Do your New Year’s resolutions feel more like punishment than positivity? If so, resolve to make 2024 the year you set some goals you will look forward to keeping! If you need a little inspiration to help you get started, consider the following:
The Best New Year’s Family Caregiver Resolutions
Care for yourself. You spend so much time caring for others. Set time aside each day to do something kind, just for you. This might be as simple as a bubble bath before bed, a quick run to a favorite coffee shop, or designated time each day to curl up under a cozy quilt and read.
Take notice of your inner dialogue. Nip any self-directed words of negativity in the bud. If you find you’re silently berating yourself for losing your patience, stop and remind yourself that you’re a loving, selfless, and dedicated family caregiver when it comes to the person you’re caring for. Because of you, they are able to continue living at home and enjoy the best possible quality of life. Think of the way you would encourage a friend in your shoes, and turn that encouragement inward.
Strive to find the bright side. There are certainly difficulties and challenges with caring for an older family member. However, there’s also an abundance of positives to focus on instead. Rather than fret about the bad weather that changed your plans, settle in to watch some home movies and reminisce over a cup of comforting cocoa.
Let go of the things you cannot control. So much of the time we spend worrying is the result of things that are outside of our control. Give yourself permission to step back and remind yourself that you are human, and there will be situations you can’t resolve and problems you cannot fix.
Accept help. Let this be the year that you realize caring for someone you love is a job that is much more effective when shared. Let friends and family know that you would like some support, and allow them to step in to help with laundry, meals, housework, running errands—whatever would alleviate stress and allow you to achieve a healthier life balance.
At Absolute Companion Care, we are here to help make these and any other New Year’s resolutions a reality! Our caregivers are fully trained and experienced in a multitude of care needs, and can partner with you to:
Provide transportation and accompaniment to procedures and medical appointments or fun outings
Help with light housekeeping, laundry, changing bed linens, etc.
Offer friendly companionship for an older loved one, including engaging conversations, puzzles, games, hobbies, exercise, and more
Pick up groceries and run any other errands as needed
Plan and prepare nutritious, delicious meals
And so much more